Change, good or bad?

Final day of Notting Hill carnival ‘marred by serious violence’, say police: Eight people stabbed with man, 29, in a ‘critical condition’
Headlines from Mail online. August 29th 2023

No recognition that when a country is being governed by greed and cruelty, when there is a loss of hope for the current and future generations, when there is nothing for people to aspire to, when there is no food on the table, and the prospect of a winter without heat, stability or even for many a roof, there will be civil unrest, there will be increases in crime, more violence, more theft.

It’s interesting how desperate Braverman is to take Britain away from the Human Rights Act and laws where people’s freedoms are protected. How the government want “all theft” investigated, but not assaults, and definitely not corruption and theft by politicians.

The British people are being carefully manipulated by the press and media, more than TASS ever did in the height of the cold war. The spin and outright propaganda from government and the establishment puts even Goebbels to shame.

The problem is though, that it is not going to be middle class middle England BBC News viewers who will rise up. The so called enlightened, the “woke” the humanists, even those of us claiming to be socialists have been lazy, we have screamed our chants on social media, some even got out on the streets, but none of that has any effect upon a regime that just ignores the opinion of not just the electorate but the demands of the United Nations in regard to human rights breaches. That’s truly terrible when we realise it was Britain where people (our people, our forebears) spilled blood, fought and died for us and eventually the majority of the world to have those very human rights, Braverman, the Conservatives, all politicians and their masters (whether British, American, Russian or Israeli) wish to steal from us now.

The people that will ignite the change that is coming are those that have been put in ghettos, in slums, in no go areas, those raised on streets run by County Lines, those kids given hand guns at 9 years of age, the people who dare not leave their homes due to gangs, those people who have no hope of ever escaping their lot even for a weekend.
The revolutionaries of this century are not going to be fighting for anyone else, they are not going to be waving banners, there will be no factional flags to identify them, they will be those people ignored by everyone. Those people we distance ourselves from.

Your streets lined with CCTV and those few under resourced and under trained PCSO’s will not be protection.

Revolution now will not be about race, it will not be for equality or freedom, it will be those with nothing to lose, giving all to just survive. It will be a grab at the power with no intent to sustain it. No replacement ideology, no manifesto, just desperation.

We can sit typing away, just as I am doing now, in our little suburbs, our quaint villages, our country market towns, looking at the big political picture, criticising and shouting but within the limits of the ingrained fear of prosecution due to this surveillance culture.
We can pretend to hold the moral high ground, yet wait for others to bring about the change that’s really needed, we can buy into the bizarre rhetoric so many seem to spout about how demonstration and civil disruption is wrong and the protestors are our enemies, which as a socialist I cannot ever get my head around, our rights were gained only by demonstration, protests, and civil disruption. Yes disruption might make you late for work or may mean you miss a flight or other things, and there will be folk commenting about how ambulances and fire engines get blocked, but I guess they are not drivers themselves who have to fight the gridlock daily caused by infrastructure not fit for purpose due to corruption over development of Britain by often investors from countries our own government describe as oppressive or corrupt. Ironic. They won’t realise that the underhand stripping of NHS assets and the continuing privatisation means those very same ambulances are held in often 8 to 10 hour queues outside A&E departments that cannot even assess the patients never mind admit them.

If we wait, the fight to come will not be for our rights, it will be for our very survival. It is that simple.

If we wait, there will be no chance of positive planned change. There will be warlords, territories and vast locked down areas policed by violence, whether by gangs or government.
Scare mongering? Sadly I do not think so. I see daily the way people have lost hope, lost respect not only for others but themselves. I worked and lived in areas where there was nothing to strive to, where the only respect was for the biggest gun and most violent gangs.

A few years ago there was a move by a certain city to bring in reformed gang leaders from the most dangerous areas of the USA, to educate youngsters who lived in an extremely infamous estate.

The American ex-gang leaders stayed a matter of days. They left saying this particular area was far more dangerous than the Bronx or LA, because over there the gangs wore colours, you knew your foe, but here anyone could kill you without notice.
Has that changed?

I haven’t the answers, sadly my health and as the doctors call it my frailty means my days of marching and more are long gone. But my frustration, my concerns and even fears for those coming after me are all to real. I may be just some daft or mad old man renting on, or maybe I am just seeing what so far others seem blind to. You decide.


Here’s my thought for the day. Being disabled, sick and vulnerable in Britain today is not just scary but petrifying. My disability and illness are by no way extreme when compared to those having to be lived with by many I know or know of. I still have some days, though quite rare, where I can almost live as I used to. Where I can get out, ride a bike, even very rarely camp. These days are few and far between and usually come with a physical, mental and yes an emotional cost but I would never give those opportunities up.
For many they do not even get the odd respite, and for some each day is an actual fight for life. Most of the time we exist rather than live. We draw breath, eat (some of us), sleep (some of us), lay in bed or on the sofa and depend upon the kindness and friendship of others to communicate and feel part of the outside world. That is existing. For some its far worse.
Now disability provision is signposted with a sign depiction a wheelchair. What I have learned the hard way is not all disabilities are that visible. I spoke to a man yesterday that seemed no different to anyone else, yet he is in the ongoing stages of a terminal cancer. You would not know that. I sadly have several friends with that form of illness. Some are survivors, some will survive and devastatingly some will not. All are fighters beyond anything those without that horror will ever imagine.
My illness’ restrict me and my decisions, they have stolen my career and my self respect. They have robbed me of my virility and self image. They have taken from me a lot of what I see as my essence of being not just a human but a man. I appear on here as opinionated, confident and I hope intelligent at times, however my memory is shot, I forget I am cooking or have taken my meds, I forget to fill in forms and although can speak up on others behalf cannot on my own. Today I cannot even lift a coffee cup without it shaking as if there is an earth quake. Today my pain levels are high which likely means hitting my strongest meds. Not an easy thing to choose to do.
I can never plan in advance which has cost me massively, from credibility to long term friendships. If I say I will do something, even a phone call I often don’t, not through choice but because I truly cannot either for physical, mental, exhaustion or because emotionally I cannot speak to anyone.
As I say my life is no where near as difficult and painful as those of others.
So anyway why this rant? Well each day we are informed of more cuts to services, to the NHS and to the (hate this term) ‘benefits’ that we need to survive upon. There is no ‘benefit’ to being ill. The money people claim is what we all deserve. I worked until three years ago, I paid into a system designed to be a safety net for those in need. I never imagined I would need to make a claim but paid National Insurance and tax every minute I worked. Lets just consider that term, National Insurance. It is an Insurance policy we all have to take out once we earn. A policy that always should pay out when its needed. You cannot run a policy then just change the rules once its required can you? Well Mrs May seems to think you can. She and her cabinet of fraudsters, corrupt politicians of the worst kind are waging a war, no that’s wrong, a genocide upon the weak, sick and disabled. She and her party are literally killing off thousands of our friends and family on a daily basis. People who deserve the support of the nation are being vilified and made out to be draining the public funds (those same funds I spent over thirty years paying into). The reality however is the only people stripping the UK of assets, commodities, that’s money and property, are the rich. This fake need for austerity was fabricated after we had to ‘bail out’ corrupt bankers, when their fraudulent dealings went awry. That was an opportunity for the rich to use that ‘bail out’ to create a fabrication and lie which they use now to steal what is the nations, ours, from us.
People as I said are dying daily. We know this but the majority choose to ignore it. It’s some perverse ‘I’m alright Jack’ attitude. Well think about it folks, when did this eradication of the weak lead last time? Germany 1936?
We are supposed to learn from history but clearly we do not.
So why are we the sick, the disabled, the vulnerable – and actually I used the term the ‘weak’ but the reality is that none of us are weak, each breath we draw proves that, so fearful? Because to many of you now we are valueless. We are a monetary statistic to be ignored and wiped from existence. You may keep a door open at the sight of a stick, crutches or wheelchair, you may think kindly of your ill cousin, maybe even occasionally take your poorly neighbour a bowl of soup, but you have allowed us to become the victims of the state. Disabled were always fighters not victims, but you all continue by inaction to ensure this government makes us so.
What next is your choice, you are the people, and even an individual voice or action may be the catalyst for something much bigger. Its up to you.



Lets look at the big picture right now. We in the UK have an unelected Prime Minister that has since before the referendum been intent upon ridding the UK of its human rights legislation (law).

America has a new President that has made moves to remove the USA from the United Nations, why? Because the UN has the Declaration of Human Rights. He also has already within his first days of office repealed rights of the US citizenship, he has begun to segregate swathes of the American people due to race, religion and even gender.

Our PM Teresa May was the first world leader to officially meet Donald Trump (or Daffy Fart to his friends), she was even photographed walking hand in hand with this self-confessed bigot.


So lets think why would both May and Trump wish to remove the rights of their citizens?

Well several reasons come to mind. One people with no rights can be made to work cheaper and longer. This makes more profit for the rich that like May’s husband and Donald own business’ including hedge funds (which means that like Mr May they can deny holding an interest in say G4 because it is actually their hedge fund that officially owns the stakes in G4 not Mr May directly, though he has a major stake in the hedge fund. Complicated hey? Not really but meant to seem so, in order to prevent you and me seeing the corruption).

The next reason is that without rights people can be held without charge or trial, they can be tortured and even killed by the state. Oh but surely that cannot happen in the UK? Well a senior Tory has stated he believes torture can work. Mr Trump has declared he believes not only can it work but should be used.

Scared? Oh no this cannot be real can it? Just Jonesy ranting again?

OK next, the Human right act here gives us all sorts of rights, and along with other laws means we cannot be discriminated through ability, race, gender, religion, culture, health or sexuality.

The issue is that we all of late have seen how the disabled, the ill, the unemployed, the Muslim’s, the homeless, the black, the Asian, and all vulnerable minorities have been vilified in the media, and worse by government departments, local authorities and the police.


Because this not only is absolutely distraction, taking your focus off the real reasons for things like austerity, for the corruptive dealings of the wealthy and the powerful (The Establishment) and those that govern us, by giving you a scapegoat, someone to blame that are not the true culprits, it divides the nation. It reduces opposition and negates the unity of the people, which you can believe is the one thing these people are truly afraid of. If we united against them, their corrupt dynasty would fall within days. Sadly whilst we blame the weak it will never happen.

Here in Britain we have more cctv than anywhere in the world. We are the only major country to have conviction without trial, (fixed penalty fines and even a police caution are viewed and recorded as convictions. These are often given at the whim of officers).

We also have a large state controlled media and Establishment owned press. They feed us ‘news’ which is mainly propaganda not truth. The main offenders are the BBC, The lovely Mr Murdoch and his Sky media empire which includes the Scum News Paper, The Main news outlets, which comes under the banner of MSM – Main Stream Media.

Even your soaps and tv programs are designed to perpetuate beliefs the Establishment want you to hold. Shows like twat Kyle, Benefits Britain, Benefits Street even Victoria Derbyshire are made solely to divert ire and loathing on to the most vulnerable.

The most worrying thing of all is that if we look back to 1933-1936 this is exactly (without the obvious advances in technology) how Hitler and Mussolini came to power. In the UK we see the weak and vulnerable as the cause of austerity, not the Bankers that gambled with your money and lost, not the MP’s that make fortunes from the arms industries and oil companies.

Am I being dramatic? Sadly not. What’s next? Well after May breaks up the NHS, privatizes the police, social care, child protection and then the military what else is there? Well all local government which will mean council tax will pay profits not just services, I imagine a three hundred percent rise in that, toll roads even on A and B routes, and stripping all the UK assets. The Country will in time become a business model not a country.

Sci-fi? Fantasy? Sadly I fear not.

You can argue all or even points of this, it is my personal vision of our future, sadly how I see the path the UK taking.

So feel free to criticize, but time will tell. If we do not act as a nation now kit will be too late.


Independent equals honest

I implore all free thinking moral people that can afford to do so, to stand for or even just assist in funding independent candidates in the General Election.
Forget the offshoot splintered parties with differing views, completely discount the three main parties, all of which already in my view are proven to be out of touch and corrupt,
The only way for democracy to have even the remotest chance is for there to be no one main part, for every single constituency to have local candidates whi will fight not only for the people local to them, but also for all residents of the UK.
They will not all agree, but that is so very good, because with open discussion there is a pause, a realisation that reasonable arguments with true facts need to be presented and questioned. It gives all constituents a voice. It brings devolution from any central government. It’s restricts dishonesty and bribes. It reduces the ability for any one country or culture to command the country. And it makes it far more difficult for the MSM to discredit every candidate by blanket slurs.
Of course anyone thar meets the standard may stand, but at last we may get some none career politicians that put themselves forward for the right reasons. Ensure each candidate lives in the area they stand.
It is expensive for individuals to put themselves forward but networking and other ideas may enable passionate but poverty challenged folk to stand.
Sadly no matter what we do, disabled folk with be under represented, because if they rely on their entitlement (again not bloody benefits, there is no benefit to living restricted lives), the current government and the DWP will ensure they are punished in the form of sanctions and worse.
But we truly could do this,  the people are that fed up, frustrated, distrustful, disenfranchised and angry at all politicians and their parties,just might vote in a huge majority of independent MP’s of the 650 UK constituencies.
All I ask is try to avoid extremists, and most of all previous party politicians.
We could do this.
If you agree in principle, please share on all social media this idea. Sadly I only know how to use Facebook.
#politics #honesty #politicians  #uk

Needs to end now!

So again Sunak pushes the UK into war, over not morality, not security, not protecting people, but over vast mineral deposits to be had.

No actual declaration but £500,000,000 he has now pledged (on top of the massive amounts of money and equipment already given), to fund the weapons for a morally suspect foreign power, this when we have not only cuts to all the services we need for people to survive, but also a crisis where children and their parents are going without food and shelter and excuses of lack of money to resource our NHS.

This government does not provide for the basic needs of our citizens but funds death abroad, pretending we are still a bloody imperialist super power still, not the poverty stricken pathetically isolated nation with likely the world’s largest divide between the extremist rich and destitute poor.

This needs to stop, we should not be awaiting a faux election to end this, especially when the country has no actual opposition to corruption, profiteering, cruelty and the theft of all our remaining nationally owned assets.

It really is the time to make the stand. Truly.

Medieval Britton

I truly believed that civilization had moved on from medieval times, that life was valued above all else. Then I reached puberty,  I was at the miners demos in London, I stood against Shah on the picket lines in Warrington, I marched for peace, for fairness, for equality. I took a stand against Thatcher, Blair and all the others.
I then realised people matter nought to government, any government. Their minions lose all humanity for the sake of an employee of the week badge. Their masters reward cruelty and corruption,  their role of government solely to keep us in our place.
Democracy was always flawed, never fit for purpose. Now it’s not even a pretence.
If we do not fight and yes possibly bleed, for real change, the future will be devastating for those to come.
Freedom in Britain is already a fallacy, even the very basic rights such as right to life will soon be a distant memory, unless we all act now.
#Corruption #Cruelty #rights #Humanrights

Sunak the murderer of the disabled

Sunak is a murdering piece of scum, but sadly his vile plans will get people with no understanding of mental health, of chronic illness or disability to vote for his evil corrupt regime.
I am fighting to remain here, but every word this cruel bastard utters makes it harder.
Strip people of support, dignity and respect and you leave us with nothing. You stole the NHS, you stole our homes, you stole our greenbelt, you stole our industry, you stole our rights, you stole our freedoms, you now will steal our homes, our food, our lives.
If I have to go, I will count. If we all have to fight with out last breath we will. My body may be weak but my resolve is strong. I have lost family to your regime. No more!
I stand against cruelty. I stand against corruption. I stand against profiteering. I stand against your wicked murderous regime.

ToryCorruption #Toryscum #Corruption #politicians #greed #disability

Fibromyalgia the path.

I have been diagnosed around 8yrs. In that time I have discovered every person’s path is different, but with all too many common features. The Internet is full of so called cures and treatments, all with their own guarantees.
I have tried a few, from creams to spices, honey and sprays, liquids to tablets. To be honest for me none have worked. But that’s only my experience.
Fibromyalgia is like it is with so many others, only one of my health issues, physical and sadly developing into mental health and effecting my emotional wellbeing. 
Years of pain clinic resulted in my being discharged due to no further options left for non terminal patients.
So now it’s a lonely battle.
Diet may help some but my other illnesses make that complicated.
People scream exercise, but when extreme exhaustion sets in, exercise is the last thing on my mind, reaching for my underwear in the morning is a battle enough.
When I was diagnosed, a woman running the local support group told me not to worry, after 2yrs I would manage the fibro and be back at work. Like I said, that was 8yrs ago, and I truly am not in the position she forecast.
Fibromyalgia has reduced my social circle, stripped my confidence, stolen my options in life. My family do not believe in it, my kids, now adults share their mother’s view that I am a useless disabled lazy @*#%. They have no contact with me.
Reading this you may think you journey is hopeless, but it’s not, every single one is different as I said.
I personally may have quite a few days I can manages, where I can hide my pain, pretend I am not vulnerable, even do some things I did before illness hit. Other days though, no one sees me,I become a hermit, struggling to get up in the morning pr get back into bed.
Other folk cope better, or sadly for a few, worse.
The more manageable days are the only reason I continue. For others they may adapt, they may find a relief I have not.
So do not give up hope, but if you walk (shuffle in agony) a similar path to me, you are not alone.
And never despite all the pressure from the press, the dwp and others feel any guilt for actually living, on the few days you can.

History fact and fiction

To every producer of TV or film, nationally and internationally.
Rewriting history to present the past in any country, and especially Britain or the US as being inclusive, not only strips the recognition and respect we should have and hold for all those who came before us, who fought, bled, were starved, raped, abused, were enslaved, were made to live in servitude, survive in workhouses, exist in the hellish holds of ships, be made to be “civilised” at the cost of culture, heritage, history, land, homes, families, dignity, liberty, resources and lives, but it also makes to seek light of the struggles endured to reach where we were.
This has had the horrific effect of minimising what was reality, giving opportunity for consecutive right wing governments throughout the world to strip away the human rights won in rivers of blood, to ensure our and the generations after us had better inclusive lives.
What people are not realising right now is that making a new fake history will only truly give power to those who will turn the world around until the people they see as different, weak, vulnerable or even just an obstacle, again become accepted targets, not just of ire, discrimination but of fear, subjugation, slavery, and again death.
Look at how the disabled have to be visibly restricted for members of the public to accept they are ill, how they are subjected to cruelty and yes terror through the DWP and their vile profiteering minions such as Atos, and all the others involved.
Look at how families drowning in the freezing seas are seen as a threat, their suffering acceptable and their lives expendable, despite it often being our politicians and companies run by their family and friend networks that made many of these people homeless and stateless.
Those before us, those who had little understanding of issues beyond their next meal, a local wedding, the village boundary or how to stay out of the workhouse, but that we claim did nothing but accepted discrimination, subjugation, slavery, we look to ridicule, judge and condemn, but worse than that, we now write those atrocities out of history, in order for the past to fit in with the new current narrative.
This is beyond dangerous, and in my humble opinion actually marks an end to acceptance, an end to libertarian values, and ultimately heralds a path to new extreme levels of violence, new hardships, new trenches filled with the blood of all but the powered.
If there ever is a time where the four horsemen are destined to appear, it will be following upon the burning of our past, whether it be igniting the libraries or marking all historical fact as a fantasy fiction.
So please no more of depictions of a faux inclusive acceptable past, no more making history’s true villains, the Royals, the aristocracy, the barons, the business “men”, the mill owners, the trading companies, look anything other than the cruel, murderous, predatory, misogynistic, racist, corrupt, slave owning, oppressive creatures they truly were.
Yes we want the truth, and yes no matter how vile our history actually was, we can handle the truth, for by doing so it protects our future.

Response to a post from #DerbyshireCountyCouncil

I commented upon a post about the state of the roads in Derbyshire.
Their post was this;

Why don’t some pothole repairs last?

We’ve been trying to keep residents up to date with where we are with fixing potholes on our roads at the moment, and one of the most common questions we get back is why some repairs just don’t last.

We know this is the biggest frustration, and we share it. We definitely don’t want to get to know a street on first name terms.

It can be the weather, materials or the surrounding road condition which means repairs don’t last. Particularly when it’s wet or freezes, this can mean repairs don’t last as long.

Sometimes we have to do temporary repairs for safety too. Or because we’re coming back to do permanent works soon (we’ll try to put signs up to let you know this where we can).

So, we do want to do one-and-done lasting fixes or resurfacing where we can, and we’ll keep trying to improve this, but hopefully this explains why it isn’t always possible.

Cost effectiveness wise, it costs less than £60 for a pothole repair, in comparison to tens of thousands to resurface a section of road. One recent example of this is the works on Bolsover Market Place: temporary safety repairs cost less than a few hundred pounds, and the permanent resurfacing works we’ve just done cost more than £50,000.

It also takes time to design and plan in permanent resurfacing works, with the need to organise things like surveys, traffic management and checks to see where utilities equipment might be.

If you want to find out the answers to some other frequently asked questions about potholes please visit our website. The link is in the comments below.

My comment was;

They do not last because you are using poor quality companies, with disinterested workers using once outlawed techniques such as inferior surface dressing, which literally redresses the road for a camera opportunity then starts deterioration immediately. Your managers lie to councillors stating that surface dressing is a long term repair and will last a minimum of three years, and sadly they are naive enough to trust those words without further discussion or investigation
When potholes are reported, if people can get to report them, given that when there are appropriate modern apps to do so, like fix my street, you realise their reports make you liable, so ban their use. Again lying to councillors who really have no interest in keeping residents safe.
The smaller repairs you undertake are inferior,  and more akin to those undertook by rogue traders in the 1970s and 80’s upon peoples driveways. Probably the same cowboy companies are often used by DCC as successful tenders do not need to meet quality standards, just be cheap.
You then argue constantly about who is responsible for the reported repairs. Reported seem to vanish in the either, and if you look at those roads in Tupton, Grassmoor, Hasland, Storforth Lane, Clay Cross and even close to your head office in County Hall, where I personally have reported potholes to Call Derbyshire #CallDerbyshire and your app, if thevreports are actually acted upon, where an entire stretch is damaged but only one hoke will be repaired …badly.
I ride a motorcycle and for us, that do, for horse riders, cyclists, pedestrians as well as in many cases car drivers, every pothole and road disrepair (and actual so called repair such as again surface dressing or resulting ridges) are a real risk to life. When I do ride now, it’s not fun, it’s constantly looking at tarmac to ensure I do not have an accident. If you doubt this I will gladly take any of your managers ir councillors out for a day around Derbyshire. #derbyshirehighways #DerbyshireCountyCouncil #derbyshire

They replied to me:

Thank you for your comments.
Surface dressing is widely recognised as a value for money solution to seal the road surface from rain water. Rain and frost are the biggest enemies of our roads as combined together they damage the surface and foundations of the road.
Some surface dressing work is contracted to suppliers who work nationally and to accredited standards.
We also check the surface dressing works and make sure contractors rectify repairs that do not meet our standards at their cost.
With 3,500 miles of roads across the county, we have to prioritise the potholes we repair, for safety  and financial reasons and to minimise disruption for local road users. This means that we are unable to fix every pothole at every site.
Recent exceptional weather conditions, including last October’s Storm Babet, brought a month’s worth of rainfall in a matter of hours. On top of this, we’ve had double the usual rainfall over recent months.
We’re not alone in dealing with these issues – the weather has created pothole issues across the country.
We are currently fixing around 2,000 potholes every week.

So my subsequent response is this;

Derbyshire County Council your response in my educated and informed opinion is absolute tosh. Whoever checks the quality of work undertaken needs either retraining or dismissal. Again I make the offer to take any or all of your managers, councillors or executive officers out for a day on motorcycles to demonstrate just how deadly the roads here are, and to prove there is little or no actual quality control. We can look at areas with no repairs along with areas where your claim that quality repairs have been undertaken. I am almost 57yrs old, I have lived through many Storms, and far more extreme weather than in recent years,I have been driving and riding 40 years and have never known the roads anywhere in the UK to be as bad as Derbyshire roads currently are. We can also ask reporters from the The Mirror The Guardian Reuters  and even the local Derbyshire Times , Highlight The Truth
Derbyshire County Council Derbyshire Bikers Volunteer Riders UK #derbyshirehighways Peak and District MAG #peakdistrict #peakdistrictnationalpark #northeastderbyshire #derbyshiredales #matlockbath #countyhall #ambervalley #southderbyshire #highpeak High Peak #derbyshirefireservice #eastmidlands East Midlands Ambulance Service #airambulance #dlraa
The offer of a ride out on a motorcycle is open to any anyone with a vested interest in the safety of all road users not only in Derbyshire but anywhere in the UK. We are tired of the risks we all take every single day.
We have amongst our numbers nationwide parents, their children, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, friends, partners, and they may be  tradesfolk,mikitary personnel, people employed and those unemployed, for whatever reasons, we have butchers, bakers… police officers, teachers…. I myself was a social worker ……doctors, nurses, porters, celebrities ……. the list goes on, yet it seems Derbyshire County Council,  along with other council officers and managers all over the UK, and more importantly the politicians from all parties who have allowed cuts to services we pay for, show nothing but contempt for our lives, the lives of anyone using our unfit for purpose neglected roads.
This is an opportunity for those responsible to experience the risks before making glib responses from their office chairs.


I have a story to tell very soon. Its not yet complete, awaiting to find out if a happy ending or not, but already scandalous beyond reasonable expectations. It won’t be a blog, tic toc or farcebook post, when this goes public, it will be very public, and I suspect will completely ruin reputations.


How full will the prisons be when the children of the 21st Century all refuse National Service? Would any of us fight for these corrupt greedy cruel bastards in charge of our ridiculous tin pot ex superish (in the minds of the public school etonian mentally challenged chaps), erm ….power.
Guessing they will run out of space pretty quick.
And as for training the civilian population? Are they giving us all brand new xboxes with the latest “call of duty” pre loaded, coz that’s as close as I will get to a gun (unless it’s pointed in the opposite direction).
I doubt the entire 67 and a half million civilians in the UK could take on a single enemy platoon. We could hold bus races, or drone challenges, maybe a who has the biggest eyebrows contest? More chance of us at least coming in fir a bronze there.
Sunak we are not a super power. We have barely a navy left after years of neglect and profiteering, asset stripping by you and your mates has seen to that. The Russians and Chinese know we cannot use Trident. Ffs we know we can’t use Tridebt (oops a fraudulent slip). Our air defence is sparse and too involved all over the world backing US foreign imperialist policy, helping them build an empire run on their $$$$.
Our Army has been stripped down to supply other countries, and has no current appeal to any 18yr olds you seek to compel. .
The current government is as pathetic as those old films like The Mouse that Roared, but without the ingenuity.
Stop rattling the sabres you expect our kids to hold, and behave. You are some little pseudo toff with no credibility outside of your own boudoir mirror.