Destruction of greenbelt for immigration?

We are told to believe all these new housing estates are for migrants. Its the same rhetoric spouted by the right wing and the government daily. We are fed this to divide us further, because whilst we hate the vulnerable we accept those truly at fault.
The houses being built upon all the green land are in reality for people who can afford the mortgages and these predominately are more wealthy people, anyone buying on “farmland” estates will be paying a starting price of over £250,000, and usually much more. Yet folk believe it to be “immigrants being given houses when they cross the channel”. The people coming across risking their lives in decrepit unsuitable and overcrowded boats generally have bugger all. They get nothing from the state, unless they have a watertight reason to remain such as true refugees or British Commonwealth citizens.
The people you are told by the press are living in hotels are actually either those with a legal valid reason to be here, or are here with work visas, therefore economic migrants with jobs.
There have been 12,315 people according to the BBC coming into the country this year, (upto the 18th of June. Last year for the entire year 29,500, but that’s a huge drop from normal figures which have been as high as 45,700 in 2018.
They sound huge numbers don’t they? But we live in a country of around 67,955,000 according to the UN figures, so the numbers come out at slightly over .04% of the UK population, and even then the vast majority are returned to their country of origin.
However, 663,000 people earn six figure wages in the UK, 2.1million people reported having at least one second home last year in Britain, many of them with more than one additional house, and these homes are not to rent out. That’s almost 4% (a hundred times more than all the channel crossing immigrants) of our population.
So just why is our countryside being destroyed by building upon it? Just who are the real problem?
See how easy it is to blame the vulnerable? That’s how fascism really works.

Needs to end now!

So again Sunak pushes the UK into war, over not morality, not security, not protecting people, but over vast mineral deposits to be had.

No actual declaration but £500,000,000 he has now pledged (on top of the massive amounts of money and equipment already given), to fund the weapons for a morally suspect foreign power, this when we have not only cuts to all the services we need for people to survive, but also a crisis where children and their parents are going without food and shelter and excuses of lack of money to resource our NHS.

This government does not provide for the basic needs of our citizens but funds death abroad, pretending we are still a bloody imperialist super power still, not the poverty stricken pathetically isolated nation with likely the world’s largest divide between the extremist rich and destitute poor.

This needs to stop, we should not be awaiting a faux election to end this, especially when the country has no actual opposition to corruption, profiteering, cruelty and the theft of all our remaining nationally owned assets.

It really is the time to make the stand. Truly.

History fact and fiction

To every producer of TV or film, nationally and internationally.
Rewriting history to present the past in any country, and especially Britain or the US as being inclusive, not only strips the recognition and respect we should have and hold for all those who came before us, who fought, bled, were starved, raped, abused, were enslaved, were made to live in servitude, survive in workhouses, exist in the hellish holds of ships, be made to be “civilised” at the cost of culture, heritage, history, land, homes, families, dignity, liberty, resources and lives, but it also makes to seek light of the struggles endured to reach where we were.
This has had the horrific effect of minimising what was reality, giving opportunity for consecutive right wing governments throughout the world to strip away the human rights won in rivers of blood, to ensure our and the generations after us had better inclusive lives.
What people are not realising right now is that making a new fake history will only truly give power to those who will turn the world around until the people they see as different, weak, vulnerable or even just an obstacle, again become accepted targets, not just of ire, discrimination but of fear, subjugation, slavery, and again death.
Look at how the disabled have to be visibly restricted for members of the public to accept they are ill, how they are subjected to cruelty and yes terror through the DWP and their vile profiteering minions such as Atos, and all the others involved.
Look at how families drowning in the freezing seas are seen as a threat, their suffering acceptable and their lives expendable, despite it often being our politicians and companies run by their family and friend networks that made many of these people homeless and stateless.
Those before us, those who had little understanding of issues beyond their next meal, a local wedding, the village boundary or how to stay out of the workhouse, but that we claim did nothing but accepted discrimination, subjugation, slavery, we look to ridicule, judge and condemn, but worse than that, we now write those atrocities out of history, in order for the past to fit in with the new current narrative.
This is beyond dangerous, and in my humble opinion actually marks an end to acceptance, an end to libertarian values, and ultimately heralds a path to new extreme levels of violence, new hardships, new trenches filled with the blood of all but the powered.
If there ever is a time where the four horsemen are destined to appear, it will be following upon the burning of our past, whether it be igniting the libraries or marking all historical fact as a fantasy fiction.
So please no more of depictions of a faux inclusive acceptable past, no more making history’s true villains, the Royals, the aristocracy, the barons, the business “men”, the mill owners, the trading companies, look anything other than the cruel, murderous, predatory, misogynistic, racist, corrupt, slave owning, oppressive creatures they truly were.
Yes we want the truth, and yes no matter how vile our history actually was, we can handle the truth, for by doing so it protects our future.

Free money!

“Claimants of PIP and other benefits could get £9000 free!” Absolute bollocks!!
When you see these headlines do not be taken in. Free cash doesn’t come to anyone but the rich.

The vile hacks putting out such shit should be …..erm…..ashamed (very revised comment upon my part) firstly there is no such thing as a benefit, that is a term to fool the foolish. You do not claim a benefit, you claim an entitlement.

Most of us that have to claim an entitlement, me sadly included, have earnt most of our lives and have paid in much more than we ever will claim back.

These badly written headlines (note there was no punctuation, because, these vile sensationalist prostitutes of our words, have only a knowledge of propaganda,

dissemination and division, not of the actual language they seek to weaponise) are not written to encourage those in need to claim, no, the use of ££££ and free actually is for all those not entitled to make a claim, to spout hate filled bile about “scroungers” or “scammers” or “lazy bastards” or even “illegals” (by the way illegals if that were even a valid term, as in people that are residing in the UK without permission and “leave to stay”, do not get benefits, they are in hiding, can’t really go down the job centre, and if they are found and not placed in a confinement centre “camp” , and yes they do really exist, and are not pleasant hotels, they are in truth seen as people with no recourse (no access to) public funds (that word benefits again). So nope they don’t get “free cash”, no matter what Sid or Andy says in the local working men’s club tells you! There families, friends and communities are responsible for feeding and accommodating them.

So why do folk get entitlements? Because they know and play the system? A very few maybe, but a lot less than the wealthy playing the tax system (you know? That money we all pay upon everything we earn, save and spend).

Most people get entitlements because they cannot work, whether through illness, disability or being a carer. Some because they cannot get jobs, or worse rely on zero hour contracts, an immoral system ensuring they never will have any stability, credit, or chances. Zero hour contracts, and sadly being on “entitlements” means no mortgage applications, loans only at horrific rates of interest, (some of the less desirable lenders, even so called “reputable doorstep lenders” can charge a rate over 100% above what was borrowed, and sadly the worst of these many times more than that), and quite often people having to claim, only have access to slum housing.

When people say living on the breadline, sadly it can be below that, with parents especially having to try to feed their own kids, by going without themselves.

So anyway let’s get back to this free cash shall we? How do we access benefits? A nice friendly phone call with an affable call handler is your first port of erm…call (excuse the pun).

Then if you meet the criteria to access an entitlement you will either go through a form with the advisor or be sent a form. The questions do not just include why you need to claim, but all sorts of delves into your life, past, present and future.

That’s the easy bit. Then you are assessed by an unnamed faceless person whom it seems, at whim can allow or disallow you getting any further.

Then if you are turned down for some entitlements it’s the end of the line. Others you can ask for a mandatory reconsideration by another faceless nameless being.

Even then you likely will still be turned down, and if you have the capacity to do so can appeal, which often takes around a year. 70% of people previously turned down by those people paid to stop you getting what you are entitled to, actually win the appeal and get their claim back dated.

That’d be when things really get challenging. Living your life waiting for the next white or brown envelope, the fear of trying to live on those days you cope with your pain a little better, knowing that people won’t understand that you are still in agony, and that the pain, and / or exhaustion is only being kept at bay to a small degree with prescribed poisons. That the walks you used to love are not possible anymore, that you are seen behaving “as a normal person” (not that such a person exists), therefore can’t be ill. Feeling your body deteriorate every single day because you dare not or cannot leave the house. Panic about a strange car parking near your home. Knowing people that don’t like you will quickly judge and try to get you into trouble because of their fake perceptions and lack of understanding. Sadly knowing so called friends actually judge by only seeing what they want to see.

Then there is the guilt of being unemployed, of being ill, of being immobile, of losing thoughts and words, of feeling pathetic, of not being able to do what society expects and demands.

Oh and the luck of having every day to yourself? Try it! A few days off when you are working may be bliss, but knowing you cannot work, that your home becomes a prison, that every day becomes the same, often with no contact with anyone from the outside world, not working becomes purgatory.

What of those that called you brother, or sister, or friend? What of there promises to always be there for you, their what soon becomes faux respect, what of them? They soon back away, when you have to stay at home, leaving you isolated from the life you had.

Then family become estranged. Often so easily poisoned by those who use your illness and disability against you. Those who reinforce your own views that you are pathetic.

And on top of this, bizarrely there are those who mimic you, that try to steal your story, that pretend your daily fight is theirs, these are the most dangerous of all, because soon they imagine your words to be theirs, then misquote, blame and even give voice to their own pathetic views as if they were yours. Sadly people who should know better are taken in so easily by the same type of person who would buy medals to wear as their own.

So free money? Not so free when you realise it was often earned before, and is paid for in the existence that follows. Its truly not free, nor a bleeding benefit.

I am no perfect English scholar, but I at least try, and am always sincere, writing what I truly believe to be the truth. If you have read this far, and understand please feel free to share.
Thank you for taking the time