Stupidity of extremism for dummies

Very dependent on who you believe yourself to be, imagine you were by accident of birth, actually born, in a different culture, one that was dominated by Christian belief, Islamic belief, Buddhist belief, Hindu Belief, Judaism belief, or any other religion, or you were a different colour, gender, sexuality or ability to your current one, would you despise yourself more than you already do? Should you see yourself as immoral, dirty, unclean, unintelligent, unfeeling, unworthy or non deserving of freedom or life? Because that’s what discrimination and extremism truly are, It’s that simple, and stupid.
There are amazing people in every walk of life, as well as vile almost inhuman ones. Do I judge you by the clothes you wear, your weight, height, completion or hair colour, do I condemn you because someone else with blue eyes or a size 34 waist committed a crime? No because that would be pathetic….wouldn’t it?

Published by

Jonesy the flawed human.

It's 5yrs since I started this blog. now in 2023 I am 56, and already medically retired due to chronic ill health. This site airs my frustrations of how I see our country and world, and how I truly believe it needs to change.

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