4th of July, Independence Day?

I should have hope that the election will bring change, however our supposed democratic process is but a sham. It was broken by design. It was bad enough when the worst the parties could do was move constituency borders, but that now is seriously the least of the issues.
The current government and their buddies set up companies at election times to “count the votes”, gone are the independent vote counters locked away until all the votes are counted.
The Conservatives also have huge donors that pay not only for open publicity, but also for call centres to be set up to call people daily, some identifying themselves as pro Conservative, but others saying they are independent companies or even the erm…opposition.
That brings me to the official opposition, the Labour Party. The clue should be in the name, Labour ….. the workers and all who are not the aristocracy and super rich. Sadly though, through in not just my opinion, bribery, threats, grooming and yes extortion, this now is but a mirror of the Conservatives, with policies that only seek to make life harder for anyone that is not financially qualified to be a “Dragon” on Dragons Den.
Labour now wear a false flag. In the worst of ways.
The Main political parties all have strong links to the true controllers of our lives, whether the British Establishment, the American, Israeli, Russian, French and even Chinese Establishments. Countries only now really exist as departments of a huge corporation that is our planet.
The others in control of our lives are the media barrens, in fact they possibly hold the most powerful positions of all. They tell us what to think, and worse, when not to think. They along with the countless information gatherers employed directly or indirectly by them and their own masters, can discredit any one of us at whim. Too many folk worry about arrest, under the draconian laws that recently were brought in by our vile Prime Minister and his chums, but stripping of reputation can be even more effective. It takes a very brave person to stand almost completely alone.
I could spend months or even years writing about how bad our society has become, about the very open plans to in effect put us all under restrictions that as yet many have not realised. Most folk sadly wouldn’t read it, many others simply discount it, and worse of all we now haven’t the luxury of time to challenge it.
So what can we do? The only thing I can see that may change anything is to get empathic, honest and dedicated moral people to stand as independent candidates in every constituency. This is how the Party that was once the Party of the people began.
Sadly even doing that will leave a huge swathe of our nation out, for, if you are not wealthy enough to live independently and are disabled or chronically ill, you will not be allowed to stand for parliament. Not because it’s illegal, but because any support you receive from the DWP in relation to ESA and its like will be stopped. That means your only means of survival will be stripped from you. Now I am sure people will say if you are able to be an MP, then you can work, so should not receive ESA …..Employment Support Allowance (Entitlement), however under the law … The Disability Act 2010, your employer, in this case the nation, would need to provide you the support to carry out your duties. Sadly unless you are extremely talented, or essential for a company, private employers rarely can afford or are willing to provide that support. However by putting your head above the parapet you are making a gamble you may not survive.
Also sadly for many people the cost of putting yourself forward as an independent will prohibit any ideas of standing for office.
So will 4th July 2024 bring change? Well that’s up to us, the only way it can is if we put forward, encourage, finance and support dedicated, honest, moral people with no interest in materialism, no craving for celebrity or fame, not driven by the God that is greed, and convince the populace that they are the true way forward. We only now have around 5 weeks to do this. If we do not, then for so many of us all is indeed lost.

Published by

Jonesy the flawed human.

It's 5yrs since I started this blog. now in 2023 I am 56, and already medically retired due to chronic ill health. This site airs my frustrations of how I see our country and world, and how I truly believe it needs to change.

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