Change, good or bad?

Final day of Notting Hill carnival ‘marred by serious violence’, say police: Eight people stabbed with man, 29, in a ‘critical condition’
Headlines from Mail online. August 29th 2023

No recognition that when a country is being governed by greed and cruelty, when there is a loss of hope for the current and future generations, when there is nothing for people to aspire to, when there is no food on the table, and the prospect of a winter without heat, stability or even for many a roof, there will be civil unrest, there will be increases in crime, more violence, more theft.

It’s interesting how desperate Braverman is to take Britain away from the Human Rights Act and laws where people’s freedoms are protected. How the government want “all theft” investigated, but not assaults, and definitely not corruption and theft by politicians.

The British people are being carefully manipulated by the press and media, more than TASS ever did in the height of the cold war. The spin and outright propaganda from government and the establishment puts even Goebbels to shame.

The problem is though, that it is not going to be middle class middle England BBC News viewers who will rise up. The so called enlightened, the “woke” the humanists, even those of us claiming to be socialists have been lazy, we have screamed our chants on social media, some even got out on the streets, but none of that has any effect upon a regime that just ignores the opinion of not just the electorate but the demands of the United Nations in regard to human rights breaches. That’s truly terrible when we realise it was Britain where people (our people, our forebears) spilled blood, fought and died for us and eventually the majority of the world to have those very human rights, Braverman, the Conservatives, all politicians and their masters (whether British, American, Russian or Israeli) wish to steal from us now.

The people that will ignite the change that is coming are those that have been put in ghettos, in slums, in no go areas, those raised on streets run by County Lines, those kids given hand guns at 9 years of age, the people who dare not leave their homes due to gangs, those people who have no hope of ever escaping their lot even for a weekend.
The revolutionaries of this century are not going to be fighting for anyone else, they are not going to be waving banners, there will be no factional flags to identify them, they will be those people ignored by everyone. Those people we distance ourselves from.

Your streets lined with CCTV and those few under resourced and under trained PCSO’s will not be protection.

Revolution now will not be about race, it will not be for equality or freedom, it will be those with nothing to lose, giving all to just survive. It will be a grab at the power with no intent to sustain it. No replacement ideology, no manifesto, just desperation.

We can sit typing away, just as I am doing now, in our little suburbs, our quaint villages, our country market towns, looking at the big political picture, criticising and shouting but within the limits of the ingrained fear of prosecution due to this surveillance culture.
We can pretend to hold the moral high ground, yet wait for others to bring about the change that’s really needed, we can buy into the bizarre rhetoric so many seem to spout about how demonstration and civil disruption is wrong and the protestors are our enemies, which as a socialist I cannot ever get my head around, our rights were gained only by demonstration, protests, and civil disruption. Yes disruption might make you late for work or may mean you miss a flight or other things, and there will be folk commenting about how ambulances and fire engines get blocked, but I guess they are not drivers themselves who have to fight the gridlock daily caused by infrastructure not fit for purpose due to corruption over development of Britain by often investors from countries our own government describe as oppressive or corrupt. Ironic. They won’t realise that the underhand stripping of NHS assets and the continuing privatisation means those very same ambulances are held in often 8 to 10 hour queues outside A&E departments that cannot even assess the patients never mind admit them.

If we wait, the fight to come will not be for our rights, it will be for our very survival. It is that simple.

If we wait, there will be no chance of positive planned change. There will be warlords, territories and vast locked down areas policed by violence, whether by gangs or government.
Scare mongering? Sadly I do not think so. I see daily the way people have lost hope, lost respect not only for others but themselves. I worked and lived in areas where there was nothing to strive to, where the only respect was for the biggest gun and most violent gangs.

A few years ago there was a move by a certain city to bring in reformed gang leaders from the most dangerous areas of the USA, to educate youngsters who lived in an extremely infamous estate.

The American ex-gang leaders stayed a matter of days. They left saying this particular area was far more dangerous than the Bronx or LA, because over there the gangs wore colours, you knew your foe, but here anyone could kill you without notice.
Has that changed?

I haven’t the answers, sadly my health and as the doctors call it my frailty means my days of marching and more are long gone. But my frustration, my concerns and even fears for those coming after me are all to real. I may be just some daft or mad old man renting on, or maybe I am just seeing what so far others seem blind to. You decide.