Destruction of greenbelt for immigration?

We are told to believe all these new housing estates are for migrants. Its the same rhetoric spouted by the right wing and the government daily. We are fed this to divide us further, because whilst we hate the vulnerable we accept those truly at fault.
The houses being built upon all the green land are in reality for people who can afford the mortgages and these predominately are more wealthy people, anyone buying on “farmland” estates will be paying a starting price of over £250,000, and usually much more. Yet folk believe it to be “immigrants being given houses when they cross the channel”. The people coming across risking their lives in decrepit unsuitable and overcrowded boats generally have bugger all. They get nothing from the state, unless they have a watertight reason to remain such as true refugees or British Commonwealth citizens.
The people you are told by the press are living in hotels are actually either those with a legal valid reason to be here, or are here with work visas, therefore economic migrants with jobs.
There have been 12,315 people according to the BBC coming into the country this year, (upto the 18th of June. Last year for the entire year 29,500, but that’s a huge drop from normal figures which have been as high as 45,700 in 2018.
They sound huge numbers don’t they? But we live in a country of around 67,955,000 according to the UN figures, so the numbers come out at slightly over .04% of the UK population, and even then the vast majority are returned to their country of origin.
However, 663,000 people earn six figure wages in the UK, 2.1million people reported having at least one second home last year in Britain, many of them with more than one additional house, and these homes are not to rent out. That’s almost 4% (a hundred times more than all the channel crossing immigrants) of our population.
So just why is our countryside being destroyed by building upon it? Just who are the real problem?
See how easy it is to blame the vulnerable? That’s how fascism really works.

Published by

Jonesy the flawed human.

It's 5yrs since I started this blog. now in 2023 I am 56, and already medically retired due to chronic ill health. This site airs my frustrations of how I see our country and world, and how I truly believe it needs to change.

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