Independent equals honest

I implore all free thinking moral people that can afford to do so, to stand for or even just assist in funding independent candidates in the General Election.
Forget the offshoot splintered parties with differing views, completely discount the three main parties, all of which already in my view are proven to be out of touch and corrupt,
The only way for democracy to have even the remotest chance is for there to be no one main part, for every single constituency to have local candidates whi will fight not only for the people local to them, but also for all residents of the UK.
They will not all agree, but that is so very good, because with open discussion there is a pause, a realisation that reasonable arguments with true facts need to be presented and questioned. It gives all constituents a voice. It brings devolution from any central government. It’s restricts dishonesty and bribes. It reduces the ability for any one country or culture to command the country. And it makes it far more difficult for the MSM to discredit every candidate by blanket slurs.
Of course anyone thar meets the standard may stand, but at last we may get some none career politicians that put themselves forward for the right reasons. Ensure each candidate lives in the area they stand.
It is expensive for individuals to put themselves forward but networking and other ideas may enable passionate but poverty challenged folk to stand.
Sadly no matter what we do, disabled folk with be under represented, because if they rely on their entitlement (again not bloody benefits, there is no benefit to living restricted lives), the current government and the DWP will ensure they are punished in the form of sanctions and worse.
But we truly could do this,  the people are that fed up, frustrated, distrustful, disenfranchised and angry at all politicians and their parties,just might vote in a huge majority of independent MP’s of the 650 UK constituencies.
All I ask is try to avoid extremists, and most of all previous party politicians.
We could do this.
If you agree in principle, please share on all social media this idea. Sadly I only know how to use Facebook.
#politics #honesty #politicians  #uk

Needs to end now!

So again Sunak pushes the UK into war, over not morality, not security, not protecting people, but over vast mineral deposits to be had.

No actual declaration but £500,000,000 he has now pledged (on top of the massive amounts of money and equipment already given), to fund the weapons for a morally suspect foreign power, this when we have not only cuts to all the services we need for people to survive, but also a crisis where children and their parents are going without food and shelter and excuses of lack of money to resource our NHS.

This government does not provide for the basic needs of our citizens but funds death abroad, pretending we are still a bloody imperialist super power still, not the poverty stricken pathetically isolated nation with likely the world’s largest divide between the extremist rich and destitute poor.

This needs to stop, we should not be awaiting a faux election to end this, especially when the country has no actual opposition to corruption, profiteering, cruelty and the theft of all our remaining nationally owned assets.

It really is the time to make the stand. Truly.

Medieval Britton

I truly believed that civilization had moved on from medieval times, that life was valued above all else. Then I reached puberty,  I was at the miners demos in London, I stood against Shah on the picket lines in Warrington, I marched for peace, for fairness, for equality. I took a stand against Thatcher, Blair and all the others.
I then realised people matter nought to government, any government. Their minions lose all humanity for the sake of an employee of the week badge. Their masters reward cruelty and corruption,  their role of government solely to keep us in our place.
Democracy was always flawed, never fit for purpose. Now it’s not even a pretence.
If we do not fight and yes possibly bleed, for real change, the future will be devastating for those to come.
Freedom in Britain is already a fallacy, even the very basic rights such as right to life will soon be a distant memory, unless we all act now.
#Corruption #Cruelty #rights #Humanrights

Sunak the murderer of the disabled

Sunak is a murdering piece of scum, but sadly his vile plans will get people with no understanding of mental health, of chronic illness or disability to vote for his evil corrupt regime.
I am fighting to remain here, but every word this cruel bastard utters makes it harder.
Strip people of support, dignity and respect and you leave us with nothing. You stole the NHS, you stole our homes, you stole our greenbelt, you stole our industry, you stole our rights, you stole our freedoms, you now will steal our homes, our food, our lives.
If I have to go, I will count. If we all have to fight with out last breath we will. My body may be weak but my resolve is strong. I have lost family to your regime. No more!
I stand against cruelty. I stand against corruption. I stand against profiteering. I stand against your wicked murderous regime.

ToryCorruption #Toryscum #Corruption #politicians #greed #disability

Fibromyalgia the path.

I have been diagnosed around 8yrs. In that time I have discovered every person’s path is different, but with all too many common features. The Internet is full of so called cures and treatments, all with their own guarantees.
I have tried a few, from creams to spices, honey and sprays, liquids to tablets. To be honest for me none have worked. But that’s only my experience.
Fibromyalgia is like it is with so many others, only one of my health issues, physical and sadly developing into mental health and effecting my emotional wellbeing. 
Years of pain clinic resulted in my being discharged due to no further options left for non terminal patients.
So now it’s a lonely battle.
Diet may help some but my other illnesses make that complicated.
People scream exercise, but when extreme exhaustion sets in, exercise is the last thing on my mind, reaching for my underwear in the morning is a battle enough.
When I was diagnosed, a woman running the local support group told me not to worry, after 2yrs I would manage the fibro and be back at work. Like I said, that was 8yrs ago, and I truly am not in the position she forecast.
Fibromyalgia has reduced my social circle, stripped my confidence, stolen my options in life. My family do not believe in it, my kids, now adults share their mother’s view that I am a useless disabled lazy @*#%. They have no contact with me.
Reading this you may think you journey is hopeless, but it’s not, every single one is different as I said.
I personally may have quite a few days I can manages, where I can hide my pain, pretend I am not vulnerable, even do some things I did before illness hit. Other days though, no one sees me,I become a hermit, struggling to get up in the morning pr get back into bed.
Other folk cope better, or sadly for a few, worse.
The more manageable days are the only reason I continue. For others they may adapt, they may find a relief I have not.
So do not give up hope, but if you walk (shuffle in agony) a similar path to me, you are not alone.
And never despite all the pressure from the press, the dwp and others feel any guilt for actually living, on the few days you can.

History fact and fiction

To every producer of TV or film, nationally and internationally.
Rewriting history to present the past in any country, and especially Britain or the US as being inclusive, not only strips the recognition and respect we should have and hold for all those who came before us, who fought, bled, were starved, raped, abused, were enslaved, were made to live in servitude, survive in workhouses, exist in the hellish holds of ships, be made to be “civilised” at the cost of culture, heritage, history, land, homes, families, dignity, liberty, resources and lives, but it also makes to seek light of the struggles endured to reach where we were.
This has had the horrific effect of minimising what was reality, giving opportunity for consecutive right wing governments throughout the world to strip away the human rights won in rivers of blood, to ensure our and the generations after us had better inclusive lives.
What people are not realising right now is that making a new fake history will only truly give power to those who will turn the world around until the people they see as different, weak, vulnerable or even just an obstacle, again become accepted targets, not just of ire, discrimination but of fear, subjugation, slavery, and again death.
Look at how the disabled have to be visibly restricted for members of the public to accept they are ill, how they are subjected to cruelty and yes terror through the DWP and their vile profiteering minions such as Atos, and all the others involved.
Look at how families drowning in the freezing seas are seen as a threat, their suffering acceptable and their lives expendable, despite it often being our politicians and companies run by their family and friend networks that made many of these people homeless and stateless.
Those before us, those who had little understanding of issues beyond their next meal, a local wedding, the village boundary or how to stay out of the workhouse, but that we claim did nothing but accepted discrimination, subjugation, slavery, we look to ridicule, judge and condemn, but worse than that, we now write those atrocities out of history, in order for the past to fit in with the new current narrative.
This is beyond dangerous, and in my humble opinion actually marks an end to acceptance, an end to libertarian values, and ultimately heralds a path to new extreme levels of violence, new hardships, new trenches filled with the blood of all but the powered.
If there ever is a time where the four horsemen are destined to appear, it will be following upon the burning of our past, whether it be igniting the libraries or marking all historical fact as a fantasy fiction.
So please no more of depictions of a faux inclusive acceptable past, no more making history’s true villains, the Royals, the aristocracy, the barons, the business “men”, the mill owners, the trading companies, look anything other than the cruel, murderous, predatory, misogynistic, racist, corrupt, slave owning, oppressive creatures they truly were.
Yes we want the truth, and yes no matter how vile our history actually was, we can handle the truth, for by doing so it protects our future.