Stand by Israel?

I do not stand with Israel, I do not stand with Hamas, I stand with the Jewish and Palastinian people dying due to a pathetic war, which again our country’s leaders and their mates are profiteering from.

Hamas reacted to, what is, not too far short of a century of oppression, of threats, of expansionism, of violence and death from Zionist leaders of Israel towards the people living in Palestine and Gaza.

I do not condone Hamas nor their behaviour, but understand it and question myself as to whether I would be strong enough of moral character to turn the other cheek, watching my friends, family and neighbours were having to endure conditions imposed upon them, soley due to them being born within the region. It kind of reminds me somewhat of people being oppressed, killed, starved and tortured in certain regions of Europe just prior to the settlement of Israel.

I certainly do not stand with zionists, of expansionists, of any people of any religion or culture that seek to oppress people, to condemn people, to destroy homes and take lives.

Let’s be clear too, by the British government stating they stand with Israel, and agree with their demands to forcibly displace millions of people, they are agreeing to ensure those people become homeless, and stateless, therefore agree that they will absolutely become genuine refugees with, under global Human Rights Law, the inalienable right to ask any country for Asylum.

So it seems many of you are upset now by people seeking to enter Britain unlawfully, but every single Palestinian will be a legal and official asylum seeker, true refugees, and can not be turned away
So it’s kinda make yer mind up time Sunak, Braverman, Farage and Robinson, oh and yes even you Starmer.